physical retreat programs

We offer a variety of programs that are deeply rooted in traditional Japanese wellness practices. They will help you purify your body through food, drink, and activity, and return to your daily life with renewed energy and clarity.

Program information

Here are some examples of our wellness programs. Please let us how you would like to improve your well-being.

  • Organic Green Tea

    Organic Green Tea
    Japanese green tea, with its rich aroma and unique taste of astringency and bitterness, contains many substances, including catechins, vitamins, and amino acids, which are believed to have various benefits, such as cancer prevention and reduction of body fat.
    Detox / Better Sleep / Relaxation / Better Skin Health / Cancer Prevention

    Natural Hot Springs
    Hot springs don't just warm your body, they also promote health as the components of hot springs are absorbed into the body through the skin.
    Detox / Better Sleep / Relaxation / Better Skin Health / Overall Health Improvement / Fatigue Recovery
  • Japanese food

    Japanese Diet
    The traditional Japanese diet is well-balanced and includes a variety of healthy ingredients such as rice, fish, vegetables, seaweed, and soy products. These ingredients are expected to reduce the risk of heart disease and lifestyle diseases because they are low in calories and high in nutritional value.
    High Nutritional Value / Low Calorie / Enjoying Locally Produced Ingredients / Satisfying Your Taste Buds
  • Moxibustion / Acupuncture

    Acupuncture and moxibustion help to improve autonomic nerve function, regulate blood vessels, and improve organ function. They can lead to blood pressure regulation, improved hormonal balance, and immune system activation.
    Autonomic Nervous System Improvement / Hormonal Balance Regulation / Blood Pressure Regulation
  • nature walk

    Forest bathing and Earthing
    Walking in a beautiful Japanese forest, touching the earth directly with your bare feet, you will have an extraordinary experience surrounded by fresh clean air, the chirping of birds, the sound of babbling brooks, the sunlight filtering through the trees, and the scent of the trees.
    Relaxation / Overall Health Improvement / Stress Relief / Connecting With Nature / Better Sleep
  • Shiatsu massage

    Shiatsu Massage
    Shiatsu massage relaxes muscles and relieves stiffness and congestion. It also enhances flexibility by expanding the range of motion and promotes circulation, which can be expected to reduce water retention and regulate the autonomic nervous system.
    Detox / Better Sleep / Relaxation / Better Skin Health / Overall Health Improvement / Fatigue Recovery

mindfulness retreat programs


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